New Year’s Resolutions 2013


It’s interesting to look back on past new year’s resolutions and see one’s progress or lack there of. Looking back gives me a chance to see where I’m putting my priorities, realize how I’m growing, and enlightening me on what still needs work.

2012 is the first year in a very long time that I didn’t make a new year’s resolution and I think I suffered a little for that. I feel that my year’s goals were vague and lacked direction and… well resolve. If you don’t create goals for yourself it’s hard to get things done.

When I first started making new year’s resolutions when I was in high school, my lists were long and complicated. Filled with all the dreams of bettering my personality, my grades, and pursuing creative and non-creative goals. My lists would consist of pages of bullet points, most of which would go by the way side within the first month of the year. As the years have gone by, I’ve become smarter about how I create my new year’s resolutions so that I actually accomplish them. First off, my lists have become much smaller, only consisting of 5 or 6 major tasks. These tasks can then be worded in such a way that they encourage me to accomplish my goals. Some are more difficult to follow through with than others, but eventually I accomplish at least 90% of my goals.

So here are my resolutions for 2013:

  1. Live Fearless! I will embrace the possibilities of growing my heart!
  2. I will be a helpful, supportive wife to my husband and help him become aware of the matrix that surrounds us so that we can create positive opportunities that will grow our family, cultivate health, and encourage business prosperity.
  3. I will face my demons and battle them to the death! I must be constantly diligent and be aware of when my demons threaten to take over my actions. I must remain determined, strong, and flexible – these qualities will help me to become a good mom. Remember: My body is not me but mine. My thoughts are not me but mine. I am the creator of my own reality.
  4. I will respect my writer self! Demand the appropriate time to spend on my writing and writing goals not only from the people around me but from myself.
  5. I will commit myself to creating, executing, and completing a “Writing Business Plan.”
  6. I will commit myself to exercising a minimum of 4 times a week. I feel the best when I do this.
  • I usually have at least one existential resolution, but this year it seems that I’ve created three. I’ll have my work cut out for me this year. 😉
  • I got the idea of a “Writing Business Plan” from Marissa Meyer, a new author I follow quite extensively. She excited me about writing my own stories after reader her debut novel Cinder. Usually I just have the resolution “I will finish my first draft of XYZ,” but it never seems to work out the way I plan. I have the feeling that this new approach will be a much more effective resolution.
  • I usually have one “exercise” resolution. I have to keep it simple otherwise I find that I don’t keep the resolution very well. The last two years I’ve been out of routine, but now that I’m a member of and plan to purchase a new bicycle soon (since NJ isn’t as conducive to hiking as CO) this will be a much easier resolution to keep.

I hope that your New Year is filled with joyful experiences that help you to create happy memories. Live life to it’s fullest! It’s different for everyone, life for YOU.

Note: got the above picture from

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